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a Community of People in Community with God

About US

At Tumut Community Church ...


WE ARE a community of people living in community with God, bringing the love and acceptance of GOD'S COMMUNITY to the community of Tumut.


We are a vibrant multi-generational, multi-cultural, family church committed to connecting people to Jesus for life.  We love the Presence of God, we love to worship, we love to pray, we are Bible-based, Jesus-centred and Holy Spirit-led. We are a Church in Tumut committed to building a community of loving, generous people who can worship God with freedom in a relaxed and prayerful manner, reaching their potential in every area of their lives.



......THEN STAY AWAY....(you'll be terribly disappointed).


You don't need to be perfect to come to Tumut Community Church .... in the words of Jesus .... "COME AS YOU ARE".



10:00am every Sunday.

We have a Children's Segment during the service which includes family worship.


We adhere to COVID-19 guidelines including social distancing and hand sanitation on entry.

If you are unwell please remain at home, but connect with the service online by clicking on the "Join Service" tab.


You will need to have the free ZOOM app loaded on your PC/Phone/Device

to join the service. To get the app, click ZOOM button below.

Service Times

Tumut Community Church

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At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.”


Mother Theresa

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Contact Us

Tumut Community Church

72 Fairway Drive, Tumut, NSW


PO Box 483, Tumut, NSW, 2720

Phone 0447 973 044

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Phone 0447 973 044

72 Fairway Drive, Tumut, NSW


PO Box 483, Tumut, NSW, 2720

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©2017 by Tumut Community Church

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